Where Have I Been?
Hello friends!
I know it’s been a minute since I’ve made any new posts, so I wanted to let you all know what’s been up. There have been more than a few health setbacks that caused me to put writing on hold and to even lack the motivation. Despite that, I wanted to let you all know how I dealt with it and my self-care path to bringing joy and excitement back into my life.
Let’s take it back to June 29 when I found myself being admitted into the hospital. I had been experiencing severe fatigue and a weird tingling sensation in my tongue for a week. As the days went by, my symptoms got worse and worse until I found myself so weak I could barely put an arm through my shirt while getting dressed. I was pretty sure I didn’t have the C-word (Covid), but my doctor wouldn’t see me until I got tested.
My dad thought things were serious enough to warrant an immediate visit to the ER when I came to him crying about how tired and weak I was.
Instead of packing my things for work, I packed for the long wait times at the ER. I ended up having a not-so-pleasant 24 hr. “staycation” complete with multiple tests (including an MRI), and at least two wrong diagnosis. Unfortunately, I was discharged without any answers to my problems.
After consulting my primary doctor, we came up with a possible theory as to the source of the problem. I caught a mysterious viral-infection in May which affected my liver, kidneys, made me dehydrated, and possibly aggravated one of my autoimmune diseases. The residual effects of this virus were so severe that I still feel them today. Although my symptoms come and go with less intensity, everyday is still a struggle. I still have to go about the day-to-day demands of life, but I try to find some time to relax and do things to liven myself up.
Even while sick and depressed in the hospital, I found something to look forward to once I got better. I remember watching “Bring It On Again” as a pre-teen and wishing I could get a navel piercing like the main character, Whittier. Don’t ask me why. I just know that ever since then I’ve wanted a navel piercing.
A few weeks after my hospital stay, I felt well enough to finally pull the trigger. The thought of doing it made me so excited that I couldn’t wait and I drove straight to a tattoo and piercing parlor after work. I’m still feeling high off of the excitement from finally getting my long-awaited piercing!
Besides body modifications, I have also gotten into the habit of taking myself on lunch dates. I thought to myself, “why should I wait for someone to take me out somewhere nice to eat?”
I’ve had lunch at Ocmulgee Brewpub ( my fav downtown Macon, Ga eatery) and the Mexican-inspired Yollah a few times. The food was amazing, service is always commendable, and I ate in peace. It’s always fun to eat with a group of friends, but there is something really empowering and peaceful about doing something so simple as eating alone.
I wrote this post 1). To let you guys know where I’ve been and 2). To remind you that doing something to make yourself happy in a time of hardship can be so rewarding. That navel piercing gave me the push, confidence, and energy I needed to get back up again, and it has become a physical symbol of rejuvenation. It is my way of celebrating my ability to bounce back from the viruses and diseases attacking my body. On top of that, the compliments have been a major ego boost, as my brother’s friends said it was “hard and sinful.” I don’t speak Gen Z, but I take that to mean really cool.
So I hope to keep bringing you guys more posts in the future and on a regular schedule as best as I can. My desire to bring this blog to life was so strong and it still is, so I hope to be able to push myself to continue with this passion.
Keep Loving, Keep Reading, and Keep Drinking Those Lattes!
- Erica